Friday, October 19, 2007
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Friday, April 21, 2006

Things are in full swing now that spring has sprung!! Over the past weeks I’ve spent a lot of time on a project that we’re working on in the X-Barn here at the Ranch. The project is an area where students can do what’s known as “street skating.” That’s were they skateboard on the ground doing “flip tricks”, or on a rail, or a box. We’ve had a half pipe which is known as “vert skating” for the students. It’s been around for a while and gets a lot of use. However, I noticed that many of the skaters like to skate on the ground, and haven’t had much room for that since the floor of the barn is very old and has uneven planks.
Well, a few weeks ago I started visiting local businesses to raise money for our project with the help of Morgan, a volunteer. Shortly after that we purchased some materials at Lowe’s that we’re using to build a floor in the barn made of plywood. Cliff Knepper built a rail for the park out of some old steel rails Lynn had in their back yard. Many people have helped with this project, including Roger Berti, and several of our teens from Vizion. Thanks to everyone who has helped!
Here are some pictures of the addition now. It’s to a point where students last weekend were able to use the area, but it will undergo more work before unveiling it this summer. Part of the plan is to build a “low-box,” a bank near the back wall to ride in on, and a wall to separate the addition from the rock wall area. I also need someone who is skilled in electrical wiring to help install the new lights that were donated for the addition. Please call 814-444-9500 if you’d like to help finish the skatepark project. Thanks and God-bless you!!
-Joel G
Thursday, January 26, 2006
Monday, November 28, 2005

The building you see in this picture is the newest addition to the Ranch. It was an open-faced "pole building" that was just keeping our vehicles out of the elements a few months ago when we began converting it to what you see here. Upon completion by this January, it will serve our guests as their comfy-cosy heated dining hall. But that's not all it can be used for. It will probably be used as a sort of multi-purpose room for activities, meetings, and sleeping until it becomes a permanent dining hall when the new kitchen is completed! Dozens of volunteers and Teen Quest team members have worked on this project and it's just amazing to see how the Lord Jesus has met our needs for space through its developement. The following pictures will give you a glimpse of what exactly has gone into it...
-Joel G

Some of our weekend retreat guests have even gotten in on the action: this is Steve from the Life Church in Maryland. He brought his pastor and a group of men from their church to get away for a men't retreat, and they decided to take some time to assist with our project while they were here. Thanks guys!!!
-Joel G

September 24, 2005, the Somerset Alliance Church brought a team of volunteers to build our 1st cabin at the Ranch. Previously, we have housed our guests in the lodge and in the ranch house as long as we have no more than about forty five. However, during the summer months, we have rented a local state park camp site to house our large numbers in cabins there. This cabin will be the first of several that we will build at the Ranch to hold up to 200, by God's grace.
-Joel G
Monday, September 12, 2005
Friday, August 19, 2005
New Welcome Center At Ranch

Above is the new welcome center at the Teen Quest Ranch. This new building will be used to house our nurses station, ranch registration office, camp store, and information center.
We will be dedicating this building to the lord and to His work. If you are in the neighborhood any time soon stop by and check out the new blessing God has given us here at Teen Quest.
- Posted By Joel Witt